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Tel:+86 0769-8177 5541
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When you enter the "Contact Us" page, your visit is our greatest support, and we sincerely welcome your visit! Dongguan Jinhong Garment Accessories Co., Ltd. adheres to the business philosophy of "making good quality and creating a caring brand". You can contact us in the following ways.

Contact information

  • telephone


  • Contact person

    Mr. Dai: +86-136-0027-1109

  • Contact person

    Mr. Dai: +86-159-1692-1129

  • QQ


  • Mail

    dai1399@163.com / Mr. Dai

  • Mail

    leo.d@dfc-dl.com / Mr. Dai

  • address

    No. 98, Yatang Industrial Zone, Lincun Village, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

  • website


Geographical Location

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